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Chapter 1: Coral Conservation

1-1.5 Hours

5 Sections

20 MCQ 

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Coral reefs or coral communities are important to mankind not merely because of their beauty, but the important ecosystem services they provide. Coral reef is the most biodiverse ecosystem under water rivalling tropical rainforests on land. 

Hong Kong is rich in coral resources and supports diverse coral and reef fish species.  Like in many places in the world, the coral communities in Hong Kong are under threats from various human activities. 

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Course Objectives: 

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i. To understand what corals are, and their relationship with divers.

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ii. To enhance your observation ability underwater to enrich your diving experience.

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iv. To understand the urgency of marine protection and the importance of taking preventive measures in maintaining healthy and diverse coral communities in Hong Kong.

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iii. To take a glimpse of local and global threats faced by the coral communities in Hong Kong.

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v. To enable divers to take appropriate actions to protect and conserve corals.


Course Outline:

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Content may relate with:

Overfishing (1).png
Ocean acidification (1).png
Ocean Acidification
Microplastic pollution (1).png
Microplastic Pollution

Section 1: Introduction 

  • What are Corals?

  • Hard corals vs soft corals

  • Reproduction & Growth 

  • Partners of Corals

  • Importance

Ocean acidification (1).png
Overfishing (1).png

Section 2: Reef Check

  • Reasons To Learn

  • Indicator species

Section 4: Local Threats

  • Coral Mining

  • Coastal Development & Water Pollution

  • Recreational Activities

  • Sunscreen Pollution

Section 3: Global Threats

  • Hong Kong Marine Environment

  • Overfishing

  • Microplastic Pollution

  • Ocean Acidification

  • Ocean Warming

Overfishing (1).png
Microplastic pollution (1).png
Ocean acidification (1).png

Section 5: Actions

  • Conservation & Management

  • Train, Join, Save & Learn

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Microplastic pollution (1).png
Ocean acidification (1).png


We are grateful to Dr. Baker (HKU), Ir. CK Lee, Kitty Chan, Ben Lo, Deidra Wirakusumah and Zhongyue Wan for contributing to this online course module “Coral Conservation”. 

We are particularly grateful to Yukon Siu for graphic design; Bloom Association, 114°E Hong Kong Reef Fish Survey, Corals Of The World and divers for providing photographs and diagrams.

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